What is Decolonial, Intersectional Feminist Therapy?
I define decolonial, intersectional feminist therapy as the practice of therapy informed by liberatory, decolonial and intersectonal feminist political philosophies and analysis, grounded in multicultural feminist scholarship on the psychology of humans, gender and sexuality, which leads both therapist and client toward strategies and solutions advancing decolonial feminist resistance, transformation and social change in daily personal life, and in relationships with the social, emotional and political environments.
Feminist Therapy, now more frequently referred to as intersectional or decolonial intersectional feminist therapy, came into existence toward the end of the 1960s. Its appearance coincides with the second wave of feminism in the United States, and reflected the concerns raised by that movement. Its early adherents were psychotherapists, primarily people born and living as women, who transformed their protests against sexism in the mental health professions into the development of a viable alternative for women seeking psychotherapy, in which clients would not encounter the sexism, misogyny, and stereotyping that were ubiquitous in the mental health field until then. Decolonial, intersectional feminist Therapy is a theory that derives its inspiration and its wisdom from an in-depth interrogation of standpoints that are unavailable to dominant cultural simply because they have been relegated to the margins; the standpoints of Euro American women, people of color, lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, gender non-conforming people such as non-binary and trans people, poor people, people with disabilities, immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees.
This practice derived from the realities that lie outside, beneath, and at variance from the visions of the dominant patriarchal and white supremacist mainstream. It is a theory that not only listens to, but privileges, the voices and experiences of those who have been defined as “other” by dominant cultures. It is a competency-based paradigm that perceives human beings as responsive to the problems of their lives, capable of solving those problems, and desirous of change. It is also a politically informed model that always observes human experience within the framework of societal and cultural realities, and the dynamics of power informing those realities. This approach does not simply study the ” other” in order to offer a neutral perspective on that experience. Rather, what is inherent in this model is the radical notion that silenced voices of marginalized people are considered to be the sources of the greatest wisdom. This is a shifting of the value of knowledge claims from those of culturally appointed experts to the expertise of the oppressed. This is a perspective which, when made central to analysis and practice, is potentially transformative of everything about therapy as usual in dominant cultures. In feminist practice, the margins become a new center epistemically and conceptually.
To learn more about my work on the topic of Decolonial Intersectional Feminist Therapy, I invite you to investigate the resources that follow.
Recorded media about Feminist Therapy
- Laura Brown discusses her life in psychology
- Decolonial, liberatory, intersectional feminist therapy: The next step on the path (August 2021-August 2022, On-Demand)
- Why psychology must pay attention to trauma
- What’s in a name? Reflections on how the dissociative coping strategies of survivors of trauma are anything but a disorder
- Retiring from trauma therapy practice: Reflections on four decades in the field
- Feminist therapy supervision
- Laura talks about fear and disempowerment as barriers to social action on Seattle’s public radio station
- Laura talks about being a trauma therapist on the West Coast Trauma Project podcast
- Laura talks about Your Turn for Care on The Mary Waldon Show
- 21st Century Cultural Competence
- Cultural competence in trauma treatment
- Multiple identities in context of trauma: Increasing cultural competence
- Developing cultural competence in psychotherapy practice
- Can we create social justice? Toward an ethic of justice for trauma psychology
- Psychotherapists face-to-face
- Feminist Therapy over time
- Finding my center: Martial arts on the way to Tikkun Olam
- Working with men survivors of trauma and abuse
- Working with women survivors of trauma and abuse
- Feminist couples therapy
- Feminist Therapy