This presentation is a component of the symposium Psychotherapy Revealed—A Glimpse of Eminent Psychotherapists at Work. I will demonstrate the application of feminist therapy’s core construct of empowerment in a therapy session from the APA Psychotherapy Video Series. The client in this case was not interested in becoming empowered, and exerted strong pulls for me to become more authoritative and directive. This excerpt from that session demonstrates how empowerment of a client can occur even when the client’s identity is that of a disempowered, non-competent person. I will discuss some of my countertransference responses to this client over the six sessions of treatment, and what she taught me about the value of being guided by my theory.
Where to attend
- Event: 121st Annual APA Convention
- Sponsoring organization: APA Division 29, Psychotherapy
- Register for this workshop: Register for 2 CE Credits through APA Conference Registration
- Date: Sunday, August 4, 2013
- Time: 8:00-9:50 am
- Room: Room 312
- Venue: Hawaii Convention Center
- City: Honolulu HI