This workshop, with co-presenter Kathy Steele, is aimed primarily at supervisors working with clinicians who are new to practice with complex trauma and dissociation. Because this novice experience may occur at different points in a therapist’s professional development, we will address both the issues inherent in working with trainees early in their career, and consulting with more experienced colleagues taking initial steps into the field of trauma-related dissociation. The presenters are both experienced trainers and consultants.
Where to attend
- Event: Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
- Sponsoring organization: ISSTD
- Register for this workshop: No separate registration needed, open to all attendees of ISSTD Conference
- Date: Sunday November 17 2013
- Time: 3:00-5:00 pm
- Room: TBD
- Venue: Hilton Baltimore
- City: Baltimore, MD
Where to find
- FREE – Download the slides from this site (pdf)