The experience of psychological trauma is one that affects humans on somatic, intrapsychic, interpersonal, and spiritual/existential dimensions. Yet almost all of the literature on trauma treatment proceeds as if trauma occurs outside of the social, historical, and political contexts. A problematic consequence of this approach to work with trauma survivors is that while treatment may address specific symptoms, it usually fails to speak to the person who has experienced the trauma and the meanings of the trauma to who they are. Additionally, the “treat-symptoms” approach to trauma neglects to attend to the complexities of the therapist/client interaction. A culturally competent approach to trauma treatment aims to address these gaps by inculcating principles of culturally competence into trauma treatment. This seminar will introduce participants to a strategy for moving towards cultural competence in their work with trauma survivors. Our first day will focus entirely on the development of cultural competence skills. The second day will address the integration of those skills into the specifics of trauma treatment. A combination of lecture, experiential exercise, video and small group work will be utilized.
Where to attend
- Sponsoring organization: New South Wales Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS)
- Registration information
- Date: Thursday and Friday, March 3rd and 4th, 2016
- Time: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm both days
- Venue: Wesley Conference Centre, Wesley Theatre 220 Pitt St, Sydney CBD
- City: Sydney NSW Australia