Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy and related treatments for trauma: An innovative, integrative trauma treatment

Although EMDR has been utilized clinically for more than three decades, and now has a growing and large body of scientific scholarship demonstrating its effectiveness with survivors of a wide range of traumas, it is still wrongly treated as “controversial” by those who have remained ignorant of this strong evidence base for its use in trauma treatment. Robin Shapiro, the lead author and a well-regarded trainer of EMDR practitioners as well the developer of innovative EMDR methodologies for treatment of psychological problems beyond classic trauma, joins with me to discuss the history of this trauma treatment, and review the growing literature demonstrating the evidence for its effectiveness. We encourage readers to move past biases about EMDR based primarily in its innovative treatment methodology, and instead attend to its usefulness, and in particular, its applicability across culture and language.

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Shapiro, R. & Brown, L.S. (2019). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy and related treatments for trauma: An innovative, integrative trauma treatment. Practice Innovations, 4, 139-155.